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  • Writer's pictureAmcare Hospital

5 Signs It’s Time to See a Gastroenterologist

We frequently have a tendency to ignore minor medical irregularities that, if ignored, could develop into serious illnesses in the future. If we decide to live with these problems, our gastrointestinal problems could be one such aberration that spreads into another harmful state. If you're having issues with digestion, rectal bleeding, or unexplained stomach pain, it's time to visit a gastro doctor in Chandigarh.

Now, a number of symptoms can convince you to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. These symptoms could eventually turn into something rather serious from a medical standpoint if they are ignored. Examine these symptoms now.

Reasons to Consult a Gastroenterologist

1. Disturbing Bowel Movements: A major change in the frequency or volume of bowel movements could have a considerable impact on how the stomach feels, raising the risk.

The main symptoms may include constipation, diarrhoea, excessive gas, and pale or light-colored faeces. It's time to put an end to these circumstances and shift the trend in a positive direction.

2. An unidentified stomachache: It is never healthier to continue to experience ongoing abdominal discomfort that is bringing you problems like bloating. It's time to consult a gastroenterologist in Chandigarh and make some informed choices.

3. Jaundice: The skin and whites of the eyes quickly turn pale yellow when suffering from this type of jaundice. An excessive amount of bilirubin in the blood causes this. In addition to hemolytic anaemia, gallstones, and inflamed bile ducts, among many other ailments, the liver or blood issues are to fault.

Living with this kind of abnormality can be equivalent to being completely ignorant. It's time to seek treatment for this illness by visiting a gastroenterologist. With the help of the best gastroenterologist, adopt a healthy lifestyle.

4. Persistent heartburn: If you find yourself in a position where you don't feel very well about your cardiac health, your best plan of action should be to call a gastroenterologist. If ignored, chronic heartburn might put you in dangerous and unhealthy situations from which you would need a lot of time to recover. Constant, unpleasant heartburn can lead to GERD, oesophageal cancer, and other disorders. It can also create digestive issues. Therefore, call a gastroenterologist immediately.

5. Having issues with food swallowing: Dysphagia prevents a person from properly digesting their food. If you have a health issue that is making swallowing more difficult for you than it already is, put your worries to rest and consult a gastroenterologist right immediately. Among other things, this could be caused by neurological conditions or acid reflux.

Make an appointment right away.

Right now is the best time to break your stressful health cycle and start living a normal, healthy life free of stomach issues. This is definitely possible with the best gastroenterologist in Chandigarh offering a variety of suggestions along with an easy-to-follow prescription and regimen. So, to avoid concerns, make your appointment as soon as you can.

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