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  • Writer's pictureAmcare Hospital

Bladder Control Issues in Women: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

The lower abdomen contains organs that resemble sacs called bladders. Until it can be eliminated from the body, this organ retains urine produced by the kidneys. At some point in their lives, every woman is susceptible to bladder problems. Your everyday activities, sexual health, and emotional wellbeing can all be negatively impacted, as well as your overall quality of life. Visit the best urologist in Ambala at Amcare Hospital for more information.


Different symptoms and indicators are experienced by women with bladder issues. When determining signs, it's crucial to take the bladder issue's severity and type into account. There are numerous warning signs and symptoms of bladder problems, including:

1.Urinary bladder leakage 2.Urinary burning or discomfort 3.The pee is discolored. 4.Strong and persistent desires to urinate 5.Frequent peeing in tiny amounts 6.More than eight times every day or more than twice per night. 7.Urine that smells strongly 8.Blood in the urine Sexual discomfort 9.Lower abdominal pressure or discomfort


Bladder problems are frequently caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract. These illnesses can be spread in the manner listed below:

A rise in sexual activity, particularly with a new partner Urination that is unhygienic Bathroom backsplash Sexually transmitted conditions, tampon use, douche use, and spermicide use Intestinal incontinence

Diagnosis of bladder problems When you experience bladder problems or have worries about your bladder's health, you should consult a doctor. Your symptoms, way of life, and family history are all important to your doctor.

To check for bacterial infections, you will also need to send a urine sample for examination. Don't menstruate when you go because you might also get a pelvic exam at your initial appointment.

Your doctor might do a cystoscopy if they suspect there is a problem. They inject a catheter with a camera attached into your bladder and urethra. They can also look inside the bladder for anomalies.

Treatment Frequently, bladder problems can be treated with just one antibiotic. Nevertheless, a range of prevention and treatment methods are available based on your particular issue, health risks, way of life, and medical background. Some of them are:

alterations in way of life

If you reduce weight (if you're overweight), your general health will improve and bladder problems will decrease. Aim to consume more water, cranberry juice, and less caffeinated beverages.

Practicing bladder control

This incontinence treatment plan includes increasing your urine holding capacity. Regular urination and exercises like Kegels are a part of it.

This blog's goal is to discuss female bladder problems. If you are having problems, it is advisable to see the top urologist in Chandigarh.

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