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Common Kidney Diseases and Disorders

The kidneys are extremely important for sustaining overall health. They remove waste from the body, control fluid balance, and make hormones. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that a number of renal ailments and diseases can impair their function, which may result in serious health problems.

The purpose of this post is to provide information about the most prevalent kidney illnesses and disorders with the assistance of Amcare Hospital, the Best Urologist in Chandigarh. Therefore, let's look at the following:-

1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):- A persistent condition, chronic kidney disease is characterized by a progressive decrease of renal function. Early symptoms could be mild, but they get worse with time.


The causes include:

Diabetes High blood pressure Kidney infections Genetic disorders


The symptoms include:

Fatigue Swelling Changes in urination patterns Anaemia

Treatment:- The problem's causes may be controlled by the therapy and way of life adjustments. In more severe stages, dialysis or a kidney transplant may be necessary.

2. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI):- Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is characterised by a sharp fall in urine production and an increase in blood creatinine levels. It is a fast and rapid deterioration in kidney function. It is a serious issue that has to be evaluated and managed by a doctor very away in order to stop future problems and promote kidney healing.


The causes are:

Severe infections Dehydration Kidney trauma Medication side effects Symptoms-

The symptoms include:

Decreased urine output Fluid retention Nausea Confusion

Treatment:- Up until kidney function improves, supportive care is provided while maintaining fluid balance.

3. Kidney Stones:- As salt deposits that develop in the kidneys, kidney stones are categorised. They may require surgical removal and can be excruciatingly painful.


The primary causes are- Dehydration Diet high in salt Certain medical conditions. Symptoms-

The symptoms include-

Severe back pain Abdominal pain Blood in urine Frequent urination. Treatment options range from conservative measures like increased fluid intake and pain management to more invasive procedures such as lithotripsy or surgical removal of larger stones.

Treatment:- If necessary, surgery or medication are used in the therapy.

4. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):- The urinary system, which includes the kidneys, is affected by UTIs in several ways. It may hurt to have this infection.


The causes include-

Bacterial infections Symptoms-

The symptoms may include-

Frequent urination Burning sensation during urination Cloudy urine Lower abdominal pain

Treatment:- Antibiotics must be administered as soon as possible to prevent kidney infections or other serious consequences.

5. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD):- PKD is a hereditary disorder that causes the kidneys to develop a lot of fluid-filled cysts. Cysts may gradually worsen kidney function, which might result in renal failure or other serious problems.


The causes include-

Genetic/Hereditary Symptoms-

The symptoms may include-

High blood pressure Reduction in Kidney function Infections

Treatment:- The focus of therapy is on symptom control and infection prevention. In more severe stages, dialysis or a kidney transplant may be necessary.

An individual's general health and quality of life may be significantly impacted by kidney illnesses and disorders. To avoid problems and maintain kidney function, it's crucial to guarantee prompt identification, early intervention, and appropriate care.

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