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FAQs about cardiology: Answering common questions and addressing misconceptions about heart health

Do you think you could let us know how your heart is doing? It's simple to become a victim of delusions. You'd think your old neighbor or your uncle, who like fried foods, would be the only ones with heart disease, wouldn't you? Do you aware that heart disease can strike even those who follow a healthy diet? Relying on erroneous assumptions about your heart is risky. More individuals die from cardiovascular illnesses each year than any other disease combined. The best method to improve your heart's ability to think is to separate reality from fantasy. The Best Cardiologist in Chandigarh has provided some typical queries below.

Some common questions and myths about heart health

Heart disease is not a concern for me because I am too young:- Your risk of cardiovascular disease in the future is influenced by your current lifestyle. As early as infancy or adolescence, plaque can begin to build up in the arteries, causing blocked arteries later in life. Cardiovascular disease affects one in three individuals worldwide, but not just the elderly. Young and middle-aged adults are now more likely than ever to experience cardiac issues, especially as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other risk factors increase in prevalence as we get older.

If I had high blood pressure, there would be warning signs:- High blood pressure is often an undiagnosed condition, which is why it is referred to as the "silent killer." You shouldn't wait until your body informs you that anything is wrong since you could not feel any symptoms. By taking a quick blood pressure reading, you may find out if you have excessive blood pressure. A person with high blood pressure has to start looking for a remedy right away. It can result in major health issues like heart attacks, strokes, renal damage, and even death if left untreated.

My heart won’t be threatened by diabetes if I take my medication:- Diabetes management can postpone or prevent cardiovascular disease. Even when your blood sugar levels are under control, you still run the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Based on the risk factors causing the onset of diabetes, you have a higher chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Other risk factors that coincide with inactivity include smoking and smoking.

Failure of the heart means that it stops beating:- Heart failure does not stop the heart; cardiac arrest does. Although the heart beats, the blood is not properly pumped. It may induce shortness of breath or a coughing fit. During a cardiac arrest, people cease breathing and become unfocused.

Final words:- The Best Cardiologist in Chandigarh has dispelled several common misunderstandings and fallacies, such the ones listed above. If you have high blood pressure, get professional assistance before any significant problems occur.

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